Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Devistation in Africa

When most Americans think of Africa, images of The Lion King or Madegascar come to mind. Cute cuddely animals and lots of singing. Unfortuneately, this is not a true picture of the continent in the 21st century. Images truer to reality would be war, disease, famine, poverty, food shortages, and unstable governments. Some places around the world may have one or two of these issues, but no place on earth is faced with the array or severity as Africa is. Although some areas would be considered prosperous, the Meghreb, the rest of the continent is in a dire situation. With their high number of problems, and for as long as they've had them, one would think that nothing could be done. I believe there's hope for them but it would entail a ton of work and help from around the world. Is the world ready to step in? Will Africa accept the help?